

to Determined


A pathway back to Self.

Get back to your profound connection to Self and Spirit that makes achieving the life you want satisfying and peaceful.

“A deep understanding of oneself is the pathway to truly comprehending the divine; in knowing our own minds and bodies, we come closer to understanding God.”



I believe that connection is the key to creating a fulfilling and enriching life. In a world that tells us to control, reject and conform, I believe there is a better way. A way based on accepting and trusting. A way based on divine truth and sacred conversations.

A way based on loving, life-affirming, abundance-offering connection.

Are you tired of feeling…

  • Lost?

  • Confused?

  • Frustrated?

  • Worried?

  • Always busy but only with a small bank account to show for it?

  • Spiritually depleted?

  • In crisis?

  • That you’re not meeting your own potential?

  • Ashamed?

  • Fixated on past mistakes?

  • Obsessed with what other people think?

  • Emotionally exhausted?

  • Disempowered?

  • Disconnected from self?

  • Disconnected from purpose?

  • Disconnected from Faith?

  • Like life is passing you by?

  • Out of alignment?

  • Jealous?

You are not alone.

The Discipleship: Reconnecting with Purpose, Self, and Divine Intelligence

If you feel lost, undisciplined, disconnected from your purpose and self, or not tapping into the power of Infinite Intelligence and God, know this - it's not your fault. Many are caught in what I call the 'Disconnection Dilemma,' feeling lost in a cycle of aimlessness and neglecting their true potential.

Here's the Problem:

It’s not about doing more; it’s about realigning with the right things. In a world overflowing with distractions and demands, it’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters - your connection to your purpose, self, and the divine.

Embrace a New Paradigm:

The journey to a fulfilling life isn’t paved with ordinary habits of time and focus. To live a life rich in freedom and purpose, you must adopt a new way of thinking, planning, and behaving.

The Discipleship Path:

  • Reconnect with your inner purpose and embody the power of the Holy Spirit.

  • Learn to listen and respond to your body's wisdom.

  • Break free from feeling lost and undisciplined.

  • Embrace a life aligned with your true potential and divine calling.

My Journey and Your Path:

As someone who has navigated these challenges, I understand the importance of managing energy and attention. My journey has led me to:

  • Start and grow meaningful initiatives that impact many.

  • Remain passionate and driven, even when staying the course lead to momentary ‘losses’
    like divorce and loss of income. Through all of this I found my way back to abundance and reconnection.

  • Balance personal growth with relaxation and self-care , and develop a personal intimate relationship with Christ.

The Secret to Transformation:

Every day is a choice of focus and alignment. It begins with a daily spiritual ritual and relationship. It’s about understanding that a committed, daily spiritual relationship brings the highest return in joy, impact, and spiritual fulfillment. This clarity leads to extraordinary results, allowing for both structure and flexibility as your spirit matures.

Join The Discipleship:

I’ve documented my entire process and learnings to create a fail-proof and flexible system. This program guides you step-by-step to reclaim control over your spiritual and personal journey, breaking free from the 'Disconnection Dilemma.'

The Critical Difference:

Using your time and energy wisely is crucial for a life of joy, meaning, and accomplishment, as opposed to one filled with stress, exhaustion, and disconnection. Reconnect with your divine purpose and live a life that truly matters.

Embark on your journey with The Discipleship today.

Your Year-Long Journey

This training is a 1-year version of my own 5-year transformation– spiritually, physically, relationally.  


April 1 - June 19


  • Dive into your Human Design

  • Find your Pathway/Faith Way

  • Learn where trauma lives inside of your own body and how it’s at work in your life

  • Explore the meanings of words to you and understand your triggers and trauma

  • Introduction to Somatics

  • Create Physical Discipline


June 20 - September 21


  • Build a daily Faith Practice

  • Define your own personal faith way

  • Explore who else can be on your Spiritual Team

  • Deepen your connection and knowledge of how your faith way operates

  • Study your faith daily


September 22 - December 15


  • Learn to form healthy connections, differentiate trauma bonds from healthy relationships, and establish boundaries

  • Understand Socialization and the roles assigned to you and others in our modern world

  • Strengthen and repair meaningful relationships


January 6 - April 20


  • Focus on keeping your heart open and living out your spiritual practice while you take risks and create goals

  • Spend time in reflection

  • Continue to refine your physical discipline

  • Deepen your understanding of your Faith Way

  • Practice Peace

  • We Begin Our Journey in Collaboration With Aries & Spring

    Rebirth, slow and steady opening, change. This is a time for beginnings.

  • We Confirm our Commitment on June 20.

    The Sun enters Cancer on June 20 and invites us to shine brightly, announce our intentions loudly, and create rituals of love.

  • The Fall Equinox Marks an Inflection Point as we Turn Toward the Last Half of our Program

    Old relationships and patterns will gracefully be let go, replaced by intentional connections and rituals. Conformity, Socialization, Coping Mechanisms and Survival Skills will be allowed to fall away. Instead, a Calm Body emerges with Spiritual Support that has been divinely initiated.

  • The Winter Solstice Will Reveal Your Deepest Transformation

    As we enter the darkest days, you will be called upon to put your work into humble, daily, honest practice. This is the time when you will find most connection to self, spirit and the world. New revelations will come to you in sleep, while waking and those around you will remark that you seem more like the best version of your self. Things will fall into place, even if those are hard things. Life will forever be different.

April 1, 2024

We begin
with the

In the march of time under the wide and watchful sky comes the spring equinox, a balancing of light, a harmony of celestial chords. Here the sun crosses an invisible line, a vernal equinox where the day and night in their grand and eternal dance bow equally upon the stage of the world. This is a time of awakening where the earth, like a proud mother, unfurls her green robes embroidered with the blossom of cherry and dogwood. The air, once heavy with winter's chill, now sings with warmth carrying the scent of new life, of possibility, of a future painted in the lush strokes of nature's brush.

In the gardens the crocus and the daffodil, bold in their colors, rise like a chorus of hope, a testament to resilience, to the strength that lies in waiting and believing. The trees with their budding leaves stand as guardians of time, whispering ancient truths in the winds that sway through their outstretched arms. Birds on the wings of freedom return from their southern sojourns. Their songs a melody of joy, a celebration of life's continuance, a hymn to the enduring rhythm of earth. The bees, those tireless keepers of the earth's sweet nectar, hum in the blossoming fields, dancers in the grand ballroom of nature.

The spring equinox is not just a moment in the march of days, it is a call, a reminder of the cyclical tapestry of life. It speaks to the soul of every being singing a song of renewal, of rebirth, of a world rebalancing itself under the ever-watchful gaze of the sun. It is a time to cast off the heavy cloaks of the past, to plant the seeds of tomorrow in the fertile ground of today. It is the equinox, in this equinox, there is a message of unity, of the beautiful balance between light and dark, day and night, a symphony of opposite that compose the great and glorious anthem of life.

So let us stand, hearts open, in the blooming gardens of the equinox and feel the pulse of the earth beneath our feet, the rhythm of the world and balance, the sweet inexorable march of time that leads us again and again through the cycle of seasons, through endless, through the endless wondrous journey of life itself.

CHAPTER ONE / march 19 - june 19

The Vernal Equinox

Spring begins with the fiery zodiac sign of Aries the Ram and its go-getting, assertive energy of change. If there are areas of your life where you need change, this is a good time to act. Lengthening days bring energy, hope and optimism. What seemed impossible in the dark months of winter can seem possible now.

We will use this sacred moment to begin our journey together.

For millennia, the spring equinox has been celebrated across cultures as a time of fertility, creativity, and renewal.

CHAPTER ONE / march 19 - june 19

Your Human Design Profile

Human Design teaches us that within our beings lie centers of energy, each a nexus of potential and challenge. These centers, when understood, reveal the narrative of our lives – our strengths, our struggles, our paths to personal harmony. They speak to us of our true nature, asking us to listen, to embrace the authentic selves hiding beneath layers of expectation and societal imprints.

This philosophy, this celestial guide, offers more than knowledge; it offers a journey to the core of our being. It invites us to ask the profound questions: Who am I? What is my purpose? How do I connect with others? In Human Design, we find a tool for deconstructing the complex puzzle of self, a compass pointing towards a life lived in alignment with our true nature.

We will define and dig deeper into your personal Human Design.

CHAPTER ONE / march 19 - june 19

Your Faith Way

This is the time when we’ll being nurturing a beautiful relationship between you and your higher power(s). The truth is that were divinely created and are divinely connected to an entire energy source that only wants the best for you. And the other truth is that there is an equally-powerful force working against that connection. During this time we will intentionally create rituals and connection that turn you toward the light, in both body and spirit.

CHAPTER ONE / march 19 - june 19

The Body + Somatics

The Body is a sacred vessel that can be tuned to The Divine or The Darkness. We have all come to this work honestly– coping mechanisms, survival skills, societal roles and reactions all take us out of our wisdom and into a place where we violate our own values. A somatic and spiritual approach (over time) is required to coax the body back into a place of safety and connection. Yoga, breathing, and bearing kind witness to our body’s learned survival skills will be a daily, extremely important part of this work. We move from the cerebral into the fibers of the unconscious.

Start every day feeling calm, peaceful, and supported.

Yes, you can achieve your dreams and have a rewarding life too — without feeling constantly disconnected, out of integrity, and emotionally exhausted.

This could be you……

  • ​“I don’t waste any extra emotional energy. The leaks are fixed!”

  • ​“No more stress or anxiety about what I didn’t get done. I feel FREE!”

  • ​“I don’t live in confusion anymore– I know how to find my way back to the voice that matters.”

  • ​“I have the financial freedom to enjoy my life and my nervous system is relaxed.”

  • ​“Now I wake up before my alarm and am focused and sharp.”

  • ​“I feel strong and healthy because I’m moving my body consistently.”

  • “Sticking to my schedule happens automatically these days.”

  • “OMG... my energy and motivation is off the charts!”

  • ​“We’ve repaired our relationship, fight less and have much less stress.”

  • ​“My loved ones are thrilled. I’m actually spending real time with them again.”

  • ​“No more constant anxiousness. I feel curious and eager again.”

  • ​“My days are simple and peaceful. I can’t believe my life was so chaotic before — I’m never going back.”

  • “I realize I’m not alone anymore, and I rely on my spiritual team for support when required.”

  • ​“Now when I look at my life I actually feel... excited! (How is this even possible?)”

  • ​“I’m SO CLEAR on my top priorities. I’m able to set loving and healthy boundaries and keep relationships strong.”

  • ​“It’s so easy for me to start my day with positivity and calm.”

  • ​“I don’t rely on old coping mechanisms that just created more shame in my life. I have healthy strategies to prioritize my self and those that are important without being a martyr.”

  • ​“I know my spiritual value and as a result, I have successful relationships in work and my personal life!”


The Discipleship


The Discipleship will realign you with Spirit, Earth & Self so that
you can operate exactly how you were meant to– with ease.