The School of Life

I enrolled in the School of Life when I decided that I was going to follow God. After my near suicide incident (check IG for that story) God automatically enrolled me into the program.

The School of Life works a little differently than the institutions that we have come to know as university.

This is a school for the SOUL not the brain.

God is the President. All administrators and teachers are ordained by Him.

So they are all top tier.

Tuition is more expensive. Yes, you heard me, MORE EXPENSIVE!

It’s costing me more than I have ever spent on anything, it cost me that old life, and then some.

As usual I didn’t have enough to pay tuition but it’s cool, I am currently on work study.

My favorite part about it is when I pass a class I heal or break a generational curse. Oh I also love that you get to choose your professors and your courses.

My least favorite part is courses are taught in cycles not semesters. Only God knows when I will graduate. Literally.

Each course is something you need to learn (heal) in your soul this lifetime.

Each teacher is an aspect of my true Self that I have to yet to integrate. They show you how to integrate that aspect and work with it’s power/energy. Then I go wholly integrated into my own teaching (that’s the work study part). I learn what I teach. I teach what I learn.

Pretty cool, right?

Luckily for you I am a really great student, when I love what I am learning

God sent me the message:

“When the teacher is ready the students will appear. “

“When the student is ready the teacher will appear.”

I am teacher and I am ready.

Are you the student and are you ready?


Let The Ego Go


To heal, or not to heal?