To heal, or not to heal?

Many of us say that we want to heal, but refuse to do what it takes to do just that.

In John 5:1 there was a pool called Bethesda that people went to in order to be healed of all kinds of ailments.

One day Jesus went to the pool and saw a man sitting there, that had sat poolside for thirty years, and never received his healing.

He asked the man “Do you want to be made well?”

The man answered back by saying that no one would put him in the pool, and everyone would cut in front of him before he could get to the healing.

Instead of answering Jesus with a straight up yes he fed Him a bunch of excuses. It seems as if the man enjoyed his place poolside. Everyone knew him as the poor unhealed man by the pool, that never received his healing. His pain and victimhood was his identity.

The absence of suffering would mean his entire life would change, and nothing frightens someone whose identity is suffering, than healing.

So when the question comes up “To heal or not to heal?”, most will actually answer, “Not to heal.”

It seems like the answer would be easy doesn’t it? But it really isn’t. The majority of us were programmed or trained improperly. Our nervous systems were regulated to suffering and trauma.

Pain feels normal and our suffering becomes our identity. Many of us choose suffering over gladness simply because it feels better to our nervous systems.

Your ego mind will do whatever is familiar and comfortable even if it is not safe and causes even further damage.

It is up to you to make the conscious choice to do what is best, beyond what your poorly preprogrammed mind believes is best. Most think it’s impossible to change 20, 30, 40, or 50+ years of programming, but that’s not the case.

That is why Jesus’ reply to the man was, “Take up your bed and walk.”

That means gather all of your excuses and start the journey towards health.

The question, “Do you want to be made well?” was the awakening which brought the man into awareness. The command Take up your bed, was Jesus’ way of getting the man to be mindful of the excuses he was making, and walk, was him being directed to move toward healing.

After thirty years of fear, excuses, and reasoning blocking his healing, one word from God was enough to bring healing into this man’s life. All things are possible through Christ, who strengthens us.

Supernatural power is required to heal an improperly programmed soul.

There is power in speaking life and encouragement into each other.

But the real power lies in you taking up your bed, choosing healing over excuses and fear of change, because you believe in the healing more than the suffering.

So I ask you the question, “To heal or not to heal?” Do you want to continue living a life full of suffering, sadness, depression, anxiety, and worry. Or do you want to live a life that is full of joy, peace happiness, grace, and mercy?

Begin with the mind/body connection with mindfulness and movement. You cannot get to the spirit of yourself, your soul, without penetrating this dense matter, called the body.

Disciplining my physical body and mind with yoga was the first step to allowing surrender to come into my nervous system. Surrender is only a possibility when we can train our nervous system to be receptive to what we think is not normal.

Surrender allows the Holy Spirit to take Its place inside of me to guide me through this journey called life.

I invite you to continue to join me as I walk my own personal spiritual journey. Perhaps you’ll see some things that will help you along yours.

I am grateful for you staying and observing as I move through my own personal journey.

I do truly believe that each individual unique human testimony helps guide another on their own personal journey.

I took up my bed. Will you?



The School of Life


If God Orders it, God Pays For It.