Sit With It.

Uncomfortable in my body, feeling as if I wanted to jump out of my skin in panic and fear. What is the issue? I know that whenever I feel fear in my body something is out of alignment, and a lie is at play. I immediately get the urge to run away, distract myself, or get busy.

What don’t I want to sit with? Why do I want to hurry up and grab a joint to calm this uneasiness that I’m feeling? I said to myself sit with it. Don’t run away this time. Look the fear in the face so that you can see it for what it is. 

What was I afraid of? I ‘ll tell you, real transformation. I was too proud of who I thought I was to notice what I was like, so that I could change properly. The idea of being someone different than who I thought I was all of these years scared me sh**less. That meant I had to get acquainted with both truth and responsibility. 

I have no choice when in moments like these but to surrender.

Surrender is living a life of unapologetic, authentic truth. Honesty is a skill cultivated by honoring your truth no matter who the f**ck it pisses off, no matter how it hard it is. Living a life of truth is not easy but necessary, if you want life to be worthwhile and meaningful. It is the foundation of the life that we are here co-creating with God. 

Cease telling yourself lies, even if those lies give you comfort. One thing I have come to realize is that if the comfort I have is coming from a lie, the comfort itself is in fact then a lie. So, for me the way of truth is the only way to go, should I achieve real peace within.

I challenge you this week to just sit with what your running from, it has something to tell you.


And So, I Sat With It.


Psalm 51