The Divine Blueprint Reading
Unlock the mysteries of your personal blueprint with a detailed Human Design reading. Explore your spiritual path, purpose, and energy dynamics in a session tailored to reveal your true potential. Includes an option for a follow-up session to help you implement key insights.
Initial Reading (60-90 mins): $200
Follow-up Implementation Call (30 mins): $75
Bundle (Reading + Follow-up): $250
Unlock the mysteries of your personal blueprint with a detailed Human Design reading. Explore your spiritual path, purpose, and energy dynamics in a session tailored to reveal your true potential. Includes an option for a follow-up session to help you implement key insights.
Initial Reading (60-90 mins): $200
Follow-up Implementation Call (30 mins): $75
Bundle (Reading + Follow-up): $250
Unlock the mysteries of your personal blueprint with a detailed Human Design reading. Explore your spiritual path, purpose, and energy dynamics in a session tailored to reveal your true potential. Includes an option for a follow-up session to help you implement key insights.
Initial Reading (60-90 mins): $200
Follow-up Implementation Call (30 mins): $75
Bundle (Reading + Follow-up): $250
Who is this offering for?
For people who want access to me and my services but aren’t sure what the best option is and the starting process
What is the goal of this offering?
To help you find a clear path of what services (if any) you are wanting to continue with me
What will I walk away from this offering with?
Mini Human Design reading (includes overall blocks with your given human design)
A discovery of what you are hoping to get from working with me and a clear path to do so