If God Orders it, God Pays For It.

Each day that I wake up I pray that God empties me of myself and fills me with His spirit. Because I live a surrendered life I allow God to order my steps. That means I must surrender all, and I hadn’t quite surrendered everything.

Historically I have never been good with money, but my ego wanted to prove that somehow it knew best when it came to the handling of God’s blessings, without consulting wit God about them. Debt has always been a part of my life. Impatience and getting out of the will of God is to blame for that. I am well aware that I am here to break the curse of scarcity mindset, and poor stewardship of money.

I finally reached a point last year, where I said, “There has to be a better way”. So, I handed my finances over to God to take full ownership of them.

I surrendered.

Surrender is the only way for God to help you in breaking generational curses.

The first direction God gave me was for me to give my car back. “Why would God tell me to get a car if I wouldn’t be able to afford it?”, I asked myself.

Then he gave me this verse, Isaiah 55:8 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways,” declares the Lord.”

God needed me to see that He is the only way to true abundance.

The Lesson:

I spent a lot of money attempting to rush God’s plan in my life. God wanted me to evaluate my finances and assess how I was directing my money. Were the things that I was spending money on ordered by God, or was I attempting to make the life that God had already created for me now, because I can’t wait for Him?

Just because God makes a promise doesn’t mean it will be fulfilled immediately. Waiting on God is a virtue that I am letting God place in my spirit. Patience and timing are pivotal in a relationship with God. I am truly working on it with all of my might. I have realized that any decision that I made in the will of God is always free, or paid for ahead of time.

If I received an education in God‘s will, God paid for it. The same goes for any business venture or major purchase, should it be inHis will, He paid for it. I didn’t need credit. I only used credit when I couldn’t wait on God’s promise. ( My debt is a testament of just how little patience and faith I had in God’s promises) God doesn’t pay in credit He pays cash upon delivery. Cash is kingdom currency.

Anything that I tried to force on my own cost me, and it cost me big.

Once I learned that lesson I disciplined myself to be patient enough to wait on God to order my next step, tell me when to take it, and pay for its cost.

The cool part about that is, even when I get myself in the worst trouble God always shows me the way out. God provides all that we need because only He knows what we will need.

The Miracle:

Once I turned the car in my mind was fearful that my credit would be so negatively affected that by having a repossession on it. I owed $47k for this car. Where on earth was I going to come up with that kind of money? But God. God allowed my car to be sold at auction for $47k! I only owed $350, which God provided, and I paid with ease. Won’t he do it! God is good all of the time!

Now I am working on these credit cards. Jesus be a fence!

The remedy to impatience is to ask yourself, “Did God order this?”, and always keep in my mind, “If God Orders it, God Pays for it.


To heal, or not to heal?


And So, I Sat With It.